pendsim: A Pendulum-on-a-cart Simulator! ======================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Install Tutorial Write Your Own Controller Advanced Plotting Example: Linearization Example: PID Control Example: Swing-Up Example: State Estimation Example: LQR pendsim is a package for exploring dynamics, control, and state estimation techniques, in the context of every control theorist's favorite system: the inverted pendulum-on-a-cart problem! .. note:: For a summary of the package features, as well as how it can be used in an educational context, see the Journal of Open Source Education (JOSE) paper: .. image:: _static/diagram.png It can serve as a companion to any control theory textbook that includes the classic pendulum problem, or as a utility for creating virtual labs, visualizations, programming assignments, and more! Or, you can use it for exploring or validating experimental techniques. Citing ------ To cite pendsim please use the following: Sutherland, M. L. and Copp, D. A. (2023). pendsim: Developing, Simulating, and Visualizing Feedback Controlled Inverted Pendulum Dynamics. Journal of Open Source Education, 6(61), 168, Audience -------- I wrote `pendsim` to explore concepts relating to dynamical systems, control theory, state estimation, and machine learning in a controls-related context. Therefore, `pendsim` is written primarily for the student or educator. But, if you use it for anything else, I would love to know! Python ------ Python is a powerful programming language that enables high productivity. It has a very developed package ecosystem, including sophisticated packages for scientific and technical computing. To make the most out of this package, you will want to know how to write basic programs in Python. Among the many guides to Python, we recommend the `Python documentation `_ or the UC Irvine `ICS 31 Notes by Prof. Pattis. `_ License ------- .. include:: ../LICENSE